10 ways to get over the World Cup Hangover

Here's how you can get over the World Cup Hangover.
10 ways to get over the World Cup Hangover

We know what your last few weeks have been like. Watching the games late into the early hours of the morning, dragging yourself into work the next day... A little hungover after all that beer-on-tap, with an iron-clad will to repeat your plan the same evening. 

And now it's over. There is no denying that France took the Cup home, and that it isn't back for another four years. A silent and somber tear rolls down the side of your cheek, and you think to yourself, "What am I going to do now?" It's comparable to ending a long-term relationship. 

Here's how you can get over the World Cup Hangover.

1. Acceptance

We are putting this one here first so you can immediately disregard it for the bad suggestion it is. This is actually a cowards way out. You didn't devote countless hours of your life, invested emotions - felt every high and every low; to just accept that it's over?! This is the World Cup, not amateur hour.

2. Send strongly written emails to the FIFA committee

This is much better. It doesn't matter if these rules were set in 1930 - it just NOT FAIR that you wait four long years to feel these feelings again.

3. Hold the sponsors of FIFA hostage

Or the high-ranking officials. Or the executive committee. Or the security guards at their Zurich office. 

It doesn't matter, really, just get it out of your system.

4. Watch it all over again

If you're not already halfway into doing this, shame on you.

5. Force an uninterested friend to watch it

You can't go back in time and watch it for the first time. Forcing an unwitting WorldCup virgin to watch the games works, because you can watch it and relive moments vicariously through them.

6. Get a haircut

Remember how this is a breakup? All emotionally-volatile people get makeovers. Don't question it.

7. Go running 

We don't make the rules here. This is just normal people's behaviour when upset. Go run.

8. Wait for the existential crisis

Fall into a pitt of catastrophical dispair, and come to terms with the fact that office bets on games just got 10 times more boring.

9. Gather friends and force everyone to role-play your favourite moments 

No seriously. Find a football ground, and go crazy. Don't forget to tag us in your photos!

10. Find a new sport to obsess over

This is wavering very close to the first useless suggestion of moving on, but hear us out: someone's gotta be playing another fun sport somewhere, right? If we lived through the season finale of Friends, we can get through this! 

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