Here's how these home-grown plants can heal your skin and make it healthier

If you are one of those people who have no clue about plants that help protect our skin, here are a few expert tips on the best of natural skin healers.
Here's how these home-grown plants can heal your skin and make it healthier

Skin is one of the most important organs in our body since it protects us from all the harmful elements outside. Therefore it needs to be treated with care and there is no denying that natural skin treatments work wonders, if used properly.

If you are one of those people who have no clue about plants that help protect our skin, here are a few expert tips on the best of natural skin healers.

*Neem: Neem leaves are one of the most important ingredients in Ayurvedic medicines, as it contains Nimbin, Nimandial, Nimbinin and many other compounds that have anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agents. Neem leaves are most powerful antifungal agents that destroy fungi and its manifestations like ringworm and nail fungus. Due to antiviral properties, neem leaves are boiled and are used for bathing especially for those who are suffering from some skin related problems like itching and irritation. 

*Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is the most commonly seen plant in every home. The reason behind placing Aloe Vera in houses is its qualities and properties such as air purifying, relieving sunburn, acne and skin irritation and dryness. Aloe Vera also improves the digestive system, strengthens the immune system and heals wounds.

* Rosemary: Rosemary plants contain essential oil, which is mostly used for moisturizing the skin. It also contains antifungal and antiseptic properties. Additionally, these plants help in improving concentration, digestion and brain aging, besides being an anti-tumor agent.

* Lavenders: Lavenders are known for its fragrance, improving the mood and inducing restful sleep. But most of us don't know that it is one of the effective skin healing plants which helps to reduce skin irritation problems, eliminate dandruff and helps to reduce hair fall and are beneficial for healing stomach related problems. Lavenders are also known to relieves stress.

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