Beat the scorching heat in Bengaluru with these five summer fruits

Team Indulge

The king of summers, mango is a fruit that practically completes the season. By starting your mornings with an oats bowl topped with mango chunks or a mango smoothie, you can boost your immunity and load up on antioxidants and vitamin C needed to beat the heat. 

You can further round your summertime meals with strawberries which are high in water content and promote skin health. 

One-stop-shop for all digestive health concerns, papaya boasts a high concentration of vitamin C in the pulp. It's good for digestion and also aids skin concerns like acne and pimples that are prominent in summer. 

If you are looking for an extra kick of hydration apart from drinking at least eight glasses of water, make watermelon your BFF. It will keep your body temperature in check and help lower your blood pressure.

High in water content, muskmelon gives stiff competition to other fruits in the summer months. Binge on small chunks of muskmelon as your pre-lunch meal and flush out the bodily toxins. 

Kiwis, with their rich nutrition profile, make for a great fruit to start your summertime mornings.