Actor Manoj Bajpayee, recently honoured with his fourth National Award, has proven that his talents extend beyond acting to the kitchen as well. During the shoot of his upcoming project, Manoj treated the crew to his signature dish, Babuji mutton, a recipe that left everyone singing his praises.
In a video shared on his Instagram Stories, Manoj was seen preparing the special mutton curry, which was paired with bajra roti. The dish, rich in oil and packed with tender meat, was an instant hit. The executive producer (EP) of the project later shared the video on social media, expressing his delight. “Our talented chef Manoj Bajpayee treated the crew to his signature Babuji Mutton, and it was absolutely delicious. Paired with hot bajra roti, it’s a perfect match for today’s weather,” he wrote. He humorously added, “For those who truly appreciate good food, having Chef Manoj in your kitchen is a blessing. I know only you, @shabanabajpayee, can afford his skills!”
However, the EP refrained from sharing any images or videos of Manoj in costume due to the project’s non-disclosure agreement. In the video, Manoj could be heard playfully pointing out the generous amount of oil in the dish, saying, “Tel dekh rahe ho (Look at the quantity of oil).” The name Babuji mutton suggests it could be a recipe from Manoj’s father, adding a personal touch to the meal.
This display of culinary skill adds to Manoj’s impressive list of talents. Fresh off his National Award win for Gulmohar and already a Padma Shri recipient, Manoj continues to captivate both on and off the screen. His dedication to his craft, whether acting or cooking, makes him a true multi-talented star.