Sokolow Theatre/Dance Ensemble to celebrate 65th year of Anna Sokolow's Rooms

The symposium will be held on Zoom and will feature a panel of experts 
Margherita Tisato in ROOMS - Alone
Margherita Tisato in ROOMS - Alone

Rooms, a contemporary dance piece by American dancer and choreographer Anna Sokolow, will be the focus of a symposium organised by her eponymous company Sokolow Theatre/Dance Ensemble.

The event celebrates the 65th anniversary of the production and will have a panel featuring author Neil Baldwin, Library of Congress Dance Curator and Archivist Libby Smigel, and Library of Congress Senior Musicologist Loras John Schissel, with the moderator being Dance Enthusiast Founder and Editor in Chief, Christine Jowers.

The symposium that's open to the public will be held on Zoom. Those interested can register on

On December 5, 2 pm onwards.

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