The original Iron Man suit worn by Robert Downey Jr in the first Marvel Cinematic Universe movie in 2008, is reported to have been stolen from a Los Angeles' Pacoima Prop House. The suit is valued at USD 325,000 (Rs 2.6 crore) and the workers at the prop house have alleged that the suit must have gone missing between February and April 25.
Detectives with the Los Angeles Police Department are investigating the burglary at the Movie Prop storage in the Pacoima neighbourhood of Los Angeles. The stolen red and gold suit was the first Iron Man costume worn by Robert Downey Jr over 10 years ago when the Marvel Cinematic Universe movie franchise first impressed audiences across the globe. It also became the highest grossing film in history with earnings exceeding USD 16 billion over the last decade.
The news of the burglary comes after Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War dominates the box office with record-breaking earnings. The mega-movie saw the assembly of all the characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the last 10 years including Robert Downey's popular character Iron Man among others.