About Us

About Us

The New Indian Express Group (TNIE) has been a standard-bearer for journalism in India ever since the Chennai edition was launched in 1932. The TNIE Group whose slogan of ‘Fear none; favour none’ is known for its courageous and fiery journalism. The Group is headed by Mr. Manoj Kumar Sonthalia, the grandson of Shri Ramnath Goenka, the legendary founder of the Indian Express as the Chairman and Managing Director. Ms. Santwana Bhattacharya is the Editor of The New Indian Express, The Sunday Express, The Morning Standard and The Sunday Standard.

The Group publishes 41 editions of The New Indian Express, The Sunday Express, The Morning Standard, The Sunday Standard and Tamil daily Dinamani from 28 printing centres across five southern States and New Delhi. Samakalika Malayalam Vaarika – a weekly in Kerala and INDULGE The Morning Standard in Kolkata.

Indulgexpress.com is the online lifestyle offering by The New Indian Express Group. The content focuses on food, fashion, wellness, art and culture and entertainment. Also expect weekly columns themed around wellness, cars and bikes, gadgets and the latest in the world of OTT.

The website is an extension of Indulge, a weekly print magazine that comes as part of The New Indian Expressin Chennai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad on Fridays. The Group also publishes a stand-alone weekly tabloid called Indulge The Morning Standard in Kolkataon Fridays. Vibrant and capturing the pulse of the city each week, Indulge has for a long time been a connoisseur's delight.

Apart from feature stories and interviews, we also have video interviews with A-listers that range from Priyanka Chopra and Kareena Kapoor to danseuse Anita Ratnam and DJ and music producer Alan Walker - all of which are also available on our YouTube channel. Our most recent addition to our content stream is The Indulge Podcast which you can tune into on The New Indian Express website and Spotify. The website is promoted by Express Network Private Limited, which is a part of the 'The New Indian Express' Group.

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Editor of indulgexpress.com
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