
75 years of Independence: What independence means to swimmer Rehan Poncha, actress Aanchal Munjal and Fashion designer Kaveri Lalchand

Team Indulge

With India celebrating its 75th Independence Day today, we have celebrities from different industries in the country discussing what independence means to them, and how they will be commemorating this historic occasion:

Rehan Poncha- Olympian and swimmer:

Rehan started by wishing his fellow Indians a Happy Independence. He added “What does independence mean to me? Well, it means freedom, freedom to practice and pursue a sport that I love every single day. How am I spending my independence? Well, I'm right here on the golf course place that I love most, pursuing that one singular dream of representing my country on the world stage, once again. Here's hoping everybody has a fantastic day and wishing my country India success. Always. Happy Independence Day.”

Aanchal Munjal- Actress:

“Growing up, when I learned why this day was so important, I felt incredibly proud to be Indian. It is admirable to hear motivational tales about the independence fighters. We can see this day of freedom entirely because of them. I kindly request that every Indian celebrate Independence Day, appreciate the sacrifices made by the independence fighters, and feel happy to be an Indian. Hamara Bharat Mahan. Jai Hind,” the actress said. 

Kaveri Lalchand- Fashion designer:

On the topic of Independence day, the fashion designer said, “I hope you're having a very special and peaceful Independence Day weekend. You know, I'm fiercely patriotic; I'm fiercely loyal, and every day, I'm so grateful and honoured that I was born an Indian. On our 75th Independence Day, I think we should all take the time to stop and remember the struggles and the sacrifices; to acknowledge all the growth and development, and realise our full potential of youth and the nation. I wish you all the very best. I'm so proud to be born an Indian. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.”