
Google celebrates Independence Day with colourful truck art doodle

N.J. Pinto

Tech giant Google on Wednesday celebrated India's 72nd Independence Day with a unique doodle with truck art. The doodle features pictures of some of the country's most iconic plants and animals to celebrate its diversity. The description for the doodle is even more interesting as it says the doodle is a long-standing tradition in this four million square kilometre nation where truckers who live on the road surround themselves with cheerful folk art to occupy their minds during long months away from their families.

The doodle features the national bird peacock in the centre along with a Bengal tiger and an elephant, on either side making it colourful yet exuding everything India stands for in different ways. The doodle also has India's national flower lotus, while also paying tribute to the national fruit mango as the sun rises in the backdrop with colourful flowers and Indian flag at the bottom."Thousands of kites dot the skies over India as the country celebrates its 72nd Independence Day. Both a solemn and joyful occasion, this marks the day in 1947 when India became an independent, autonomous state, fulfilling the dream of leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru," the page reads.

For years now, Google has been celebrating various days and festivals as well as events and achievements by people from all over the world with creative doodles for the day.