
Gallery Sumukha's new online show features works of K Laxma Goud, Kavita Nayar, Kavita Shah, Bhaskar Vadla and Sonal Varshneya

Ayesha Tabassum

Art exhibitions are best experienced at galleries and at physical venues. However, with the restrictions on gatherings and on the opening of such venues, courtesy the pandemic, Gallery Sumukha chose to go digital. The gallery is now hosting its second online show Visual Echoes. The exhibition promises to be a treat for virtual visitors because it features printmaking work.

Artists such as K Laxma Goud, Kavita Nayar, Kavita Shah, Bhaskar Vadla and Sonal Varshneya are showcasing some of their art. Since it is a group show, the themes vary from socio-cultural ideas to concepts that explore ecological and environmental changes.

Laxma’s work captures his childhood memories, of growing up in rural and tribal areas. Kavita Nayar’s work is a response to her natural surroundings and Kavita Shah attempts to present the ecological challenges that humans are facing today. Among this group, Bhaskar and Sonal are from a younger generation of artists. Their work reflects their reaction to environmental and social matters. Bhaskar’s work includes animals as subjects. But tools such as a crane hook and saw are depicted as the heads of the animals. The artist says this is his way of showing how the world has evolved. “Earlier, any work that required physical strength (construction work) was carried out by animals, but now machines have replaced them. However, this hasn’t benefited animal survival, instead, they are being destroyed. My work symbolises this irony,” explains Bhaskar, who has used wood engravings and etching techniques.

Sonal’s work celebrates the Indian woman and her femininity. Women’s feet accessorised with toe rings and anklets are the primary subjects of her work. The artist has used the etching to create the colourful prints that also include excerpts from the Vedas and some shlokas. “Ready to Red Carpet is a collection of 37 works and five of these are showcased at this exhibition,” says Sonal, adding, “It’s an ode to the Indian woman. The feet are considered auspicious in Indian tradition.”

The exhibition is online on the gallery’s official website