
DC writes Keanu Reeves’ American Constantine into its official comic canon

R Vargese

Comic book fans who were left confused by the portrayal of the titular character in 2005 flick Constantine have new source material that they can dig into. After all, the John Constantine that was played by Keanu Reeves in the movie was was neither British nor blonde, as suggested by the comics. 

However, the Americanised version of the occult detective is now officially part of DC canon, thanks to a new comic book.

Titled John Constantine: Hellblazer #1, John finds himself at the end of the world, where he is presented with an opportunity to live his life as a version of himself from a different timeline. Interestingly, this leads the Hellblazer to think about all of the different versions of himself and one of those just happens to be a dark-haired (possibly American) Constantine that looks a lot like Reeves. 

The inclusion of the Reeves’ portrayal of Constantine is part of of the new series of comics by Simon Spurrier and Aaron Campbell.

While it has been several years since Reeves played the Hellblazer - with Matt Ryan now donning on the role on TV - there have been reports that the John Wick star might reprise the role again in more films. In an interview, Reeves had even stated that he’d be open to reprising the part in a potential follow-up and went so far as to say Constantine was among the top roles that he’d be interested in revisiting.