
Amrita Nair’s The Cricketer’s Ex-Wife is about making the most of the second chance 

F Khatoon

Amrita Nair’s latest book, The Cricketer's Ex-Wife, takes us back to the cricket field and puts the spotlight on a cricketer and his performance on and off the field. We caught up with the author who takes us through the book which deals with the theme of a second chance and which is available on Wattpad. Excerpts:

What is it that inspired you to pen down The Cricketer’s Ex-Wife?

I have always been a sucker for the second chance theme in the romance genre. While digging for stories that followed a similar line, I realized that there weren't many that had Indian characters or targeted the Indian audience. I took this as an opportunity to write a book that I wanted to read- a story of an Indian couple who rekindle their love years after being separated.

Where do the characters take the inspiration from?

All my characters have personality traits and physical attributes that have been borrowed from people around me. Be it my friends, family, co-workers, or sometimes even strangers.

Which one among the characters in the book is inspired by you?

I have not actively attempted to self-insert. This way I can have an objective point of view and not be biased to any one of the characters. Although, it is possible that I may have subconsciously given some characters bits and pieces of my personality and beliefs.

What’s next?

The love and support garnered by The Cricketer’s Ex-wife have given me a lot of confidence in the world that I built for this story. I intend to keep this fictional world going by writing stand-alone books in the Cricketer series and maybe even a spin-off.

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