
Kathak exponent Pali Chandra brings the first-ever digital compilation of the entire Gita Govinda 

Priyamvada Rana

After five years of meticulous research and dedication, a groundbreaking artistic endeavour has come to fruition: the first-ever authentic Kathak interpretation of the entire text of the classical poem Gita Govinda. The monumental feat is brought by Kathak exponent Pali Chandra and her team.

It is supported by the Kerala-based Nataysutra-Invis team and involves a collective of 200 individuals who brought all 24 songs from Jayadeva's renowned 12th-century Sanskrit poem over 1000 days of practice in the classical art form of Kathak.

Pali Chandra sheds light on the poem, “Lord Krishna and Radha’s tale epitomise the ethos of ancient India’s deeply self-aware approach to love, faith and life itself. The influence of the Gita Govinda extends beyond the realms of dance and music, making this documentation an invaluable reference for future generations.”

Pali Chandra

The production showcases the choreography of the entire text, depicting the timeless romance between Lord Krishna and Radha, along with the enchanting presence of the sakhis on the banks of the Yamuna. Its content is digitized for global distribution to make it accessible to subscribers across age groups. The videos will be valuable for cultural researchers, performing artists, students and choreographers across various walks of life who can get insights into the program's inclusive design based on the Natya Shastra and Abhinaya Darpana. The digital compilation will be like an online class replete with explanations, choreography tips and demonstrations that will revive the classic poem in the memory of learners.

A still from compilation

Considering the original Sanskrit language of the composition, subtitles are included in the digital production to ensure a holistic understanding of the text. The literal meaning of the Sanskrit verses is also presented separately in a dedicated segment called Poem in Action. 

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