
This singer combines the art of  a sales pitch & cabaret 

Sonali Shenoy

She’s been schooled by the queen of jazz Ella Fitzgerald’s bassist Keter Betts on the art of music. And combines the unlikely combination of a sales pitch and cabaret lessons to captivate an audience. Coco Rouzier has over two decades now travelled the world performing everywhere from New York to Italy and Bangkok. Coming to India for the first time this weekend, this 51-year-old vocal powerhouse will be performing a blend of Jazz, Bosa Nova and Neo Soul at The Storytellers Bar in Puducherry. 
Excerpts from a chat with Coco:

So how do you feel about your first visit to India?
I can barely contain my excitement! 
We’ve heard that you traded a career in advertising for music. For young musicians at a crossroads — do you have any advice? 
After the designer clothes, shoes and bags, the emptiness came. In the middle of my busiest day, loneliness crept in and that is when I knew, I had to surrender to the music. I would say: replace the distractions with a clear focus on being the best you can and your truest self in your music!

Talk to us about merging your sales training and the art of cabaret. 
I was lucky in that I truly enjoyed the art of selling because it allowed me to help people. To be great, you have to listen to what customers need. Sometimes, customers did not know what they needed and I had to be the one to tell them without any fear what was going to be best for them. Then, I had to stand by my opinion and hope for the best. Just like delivering the right song... 
Cabaret is so up close and personal that you can’t hide behind music charts or band members. You have to let it all hang out! Combining these elements mostly affords me a “no fear” attitude. So, I stand there and I deliver the story face to face hoping to connect intimately with the audience.

Are there any upcoming recording projects in the works?
I have been quietly recording my original compositions in each country where I am working. I have six
songs to go before the complete album—which I’ve entitled—Reaching Out To You is ready.

From your first job as a secretary at the Dale Carnegie Training Institute in DC to a world traveller — you have been on quite a journey. What have been the highlights?
It has all be so wonderful. There have been tough moments from missing my flight to losing my voice or even more drastic—when I’ve shared a song with a friend and who went on to sell it on iTunes without my permission. But there have been some magical times as well. Like getting to meet one of Ella Fitzgerald’s long time bassists — Keter Betts in Washington DC and being mentored by him! Or singing an original song for the first time and the audience asking me later who wrote that? 

Do you have a homemade brew that keeps your vocal adrenaline ever charged? 
Yes! I listen to Reggae to relax, Jazz to create and Soul when I feel down.

On September 30 and October 1. At The Storytellers Bar, The Promenade, Goubert Street. Time: 8 pm. Cover charge: Rs 500. Details: 8197408983