
Listen: Kochi-based rock act Ago releases debut EP Digital Muse


An active performer in Kochi’s indie music circles, Ago releases EP Digital Muse. The three-song debut was put out at Chenqal Fest, a DIY endeavour by Arthouse 18, and follows a single from the artiste called 'Missing Machine', released in late 2018.

"Digital Muse talks about finding your real emotions once again, because, in this digital world, we can be anyone we want to be. Our material journey has made us slaves to a system once again. The question is basic, are you really free? What did you give up to become this and is the change is really worth it?" says Abhishek Gopurathinkal, who is the sole permanent member of the act. 

"The record is a tonal imagination of the 1970s for me. But, it's written in a dystopian theme. A time where you are constantly surveyed, to an extent which you start to have an infatuation towards it. It/she knows everything, all that you have longed, all that you have done," he says.

The record was produced at Ottapalam-based Mondosonic Studios. Abhishek has worked with sessions musicians hailing from popular bands to record the songs namely Digital Muse, Strands Of Blue and Missing Machine. Roshan Daniel (guitar) of Ugly Old Men, Raju KP (bass) of Mushroom Lake, Nekheeb Shah (drums) of Perfect Equation, and Sujith Valiyaveetil (guitar) of Fish in the Sink are featured on the EP. The songs were recorded through a complete analogue process.

Ago is currently preparing to release a video for the song Strands of Blue which casts Belarusian actress and model Irena Mihalkovich.