
Metallica song saves woman’s life from a cougar attack in Canada

J Joy

Heavy metal songs always get fans in trouble with noise complaints from neighbours. But, a Vancouver Island resident has a different story—of a Metallica song saving her life.

Dee Gallant and her husky Murphy were on a stroll in Cowichan Valley of the British Columbia province of Canada, when they were stalked by a cougar. Despite her attempts to chase it away with shouts and physical gestures, the animal prowled around them. She even tried the domestic “bad kitty” phrase, but, it later figured it doesn’t work on the wild ones!

Dee was making a video of the incident when she decided to do something drastic about the situation. She opened her music player and arrived on the track Don’t Tread On Me by Metallica. Dee played it out, as it was the noisiest thing on her phone. It did work magic! As soon as the song blared out, the cougar disappeared into the bushes.

“I would love to contact them (Metallica) someday and tell James Hetfield that he saved my life,” she told local media, after making it back home safe.