
Prateek Kuhad on what sparked the idea for a deluxe version of 'The Way That Lovers Do'

Chokita Paul

Taking some time off in New York, Prateek Kuhad sinks into the comfortable depths of his brown couch with a sense of calm washing over him. In our interview, he admits to us that his latest single, Hopelessly was written during 2017, a conflicting time in his personal life. A serene expression graces his face as the artiste opens up to us. His honesty adds another layer of emotional depth to the song. “It was soon after the ending of a relationship that I had at that time. I feel fine to put my vulnerable side out there as an artiste. I write what comes to my mind and what I’m feeling at that time. That’s how my best songs come out,” he smiles. 

A deluxe edition of an album generally includes additional tracks, alternate versions of existing songs, and behind-the-scenes footage or other bonus material that grants us a deeper look into the artiste’s creative process. The act of revisiting their own work and experimenting with fresh ideas is not only a creative outlet for musicians but also a way for art enthusiasts to appreciate and recognise their growth and evolution over time. Hopelessly is one such single from the deluxe edition of his former album, The Way That Lovers Do - whose first notes grab hold of the listener and do not let go. It lays bare the pain of lost love in all its raw and unadulterated glory. “For The Way That Lovers Do, we recorded a bunch of songs in 2021 and we didn’t release two songs as at that time, the album felt complete in length with 11 songs being the right number. Hopelessly and I Never Knew were recorded during that session. It sparked the idea for a deluxe version, which would also include five acoustics and one piece featuring American singer-songwriter Raveena Aurora,” Prateek tells us. 

And yet, there is an empathetic quality to his music. Even as he delves into the depths of his own pain, he manages to connect with his listeners on a deeply personal level. His lyrics are like a mirror, reflecting the universal experiences of love and loss. “Back in 2021, for All I Need, I wrote down the guitar notes first. When we made it, the song was a blend of EP and synth. There was no trace of the guitar, as it was not the main instrument of the song. In the deluxe edition, I re-imagined the piece through the guitar. Each song has a different creative process when it came to the acoustics. It involved a more reflexive and intuitive feel,” he says. Prateek’s music is often characterised by its haunting melodies and intricate guitar work, creating a lush soundscape that perfectly complements his evocative lyrics. He is not afraid to tackle difficult topics, exploring themes of love, loss, and the journey of self-discovery. “I got to collaborate with Raveena, one of my favourite artistes. We had been looking to work together since we met in the US back in 2021 and it finally happened when she was in India for her Lollapalooza set. She dropped by my home in New Delhi and after hours of a lovely conversation over tea, she crafted the most beautiful verse for Bloom in just 15 minutes,” he adds. 

The deluxe version will stream on all music platforms on May 19 while Hopelessly is already out. 
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