
We need to change the notion of masculinity and feeling of entitlement, says Ranbir Kapoor

Team Indulge

Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor on Thursday spoke about sexism and made a powerful statement that deserves to be heard by all. The actor, who the previous night had walked the ramp along with former lover Deepika Padukone for Manish Malhotra said the notion of masculinity needs to be changed. 

The actor went on to add that for women to receive equal treatment, society needs to change the feeling of entitlement that they associate with men, only then can change occur. 

The Wake Up Sid actor also went on to give an anecdote about the time his mother, Neetu Singh, told him about the man-woman relationship. She said that a man is as good as the respect he gives a woman. While also being as good when he gives the wife, daughter and sister to be who they want to be.