
Lil Nas X to perform while storming Area 51?

Ayush Narayanan

A gofundme campaign was created by user Miel Tal in an effort to recruit American rapper Lil Nas X to perform at Area 51 during the alleged storming of the government-owned property.

The artist who is known for his Billboard Hot 100 song Old Town Road just offered on Twitter to perform for free at the seemingly fictitious plan.

The gofundme page has reflected this offer, but still sees contributions to the effort. The campaign had 27 donors and raised nearly $280 at the time of publishing.

The page also listed essential items for the raid like saddles, whips, bales of hay, canteens, jerky, and the death ray (even we’re not sure what this is).

Toward the end, however, the organiser of the campaign promises to donate the funds raised to Casa Carmelita, a new community space in El Paso, Texas that provides support to migrant families.

Even though the activity has been scheduled for September 20, the memes on social have not died down. If you have not caught up with the Area 51 story yet, read it here.