
Director Todd Phillips reveals first look of Joaquin Phoenix as Joker and we cannot keep calm

N.J. Pinto

DC Universe fans have been excited for a long time to see Joaquin Phoenix play Joker and Batman director Todd Phillips just teased them with the most realistic look and fans are loving it. The 43-year-old American actor who is playing the Batman villain, in the reincarnation of the character, is seen in makeup, and the signature grin. 

Todd who captioned the video as “Camera test with Joker” will be working with the fifth ever Joker casting, after Heath Ledger was considered as one of the most realistic portrayals of the character. However, with expectations high, it looks like Joaquin is out there to play it just right. The actor is shown with long hair and without makeup which follows with faded pictures of the Joker makeup hovering over his face as he begins to give the signature grin. In the end, it shows Joaquin’s face with the signature white face, blue triangles on the eyes and the red wide mouth for makeup and the song Laughing by Canadian rock band The Guess Who, playing in the background. 

The upcoming film titled Joker, will be the story of Joker and his origins and his name Arthur Fleck. While there are rumours that the film will be about him as a stand-up comic with a failed career, who takes to crime, there is no confirmation yet. The film will also start Robert De Niro and is expected to release in 2019.