
What's next for Will Smith? Sony PIX turns on bingeathon for actor's 51st birthday

Joyain S

Often known as the most charismatic actor working in Hollywood today, he is one those rare artists who can ‘do it all’.

He has been one of Hollywood’s most bankable leading men.

A rapper, an actor, a dad, a Grammy award winner, an Oscar nominee… and now an Instagram famous vlogger on YouTube.

What’s next for Will Smith? It’s hard to say, but he certainly has a knack for almost every form of entertainment imaginable.

Do not forget to watch Suicide Squad and Collateral Beauty as Sony PIX celebrates his 51st birthday.

Suicide Squad
With the deluge of superhero films, Suicide Squad sounds like a breath of fresh air. This is a dark and gritty film with supervillains as protagonists. Deadshot is one retro type Superhero who transcends in both the realms of evil and good. Though in Suicide Squad, Deadshot was only shown as a cool assassin on the wrong side of the fence.

His evil demeanour is carefully left out to portray him as a hero. Smith handles the role of Deadshot who is full of quips and humanised by tender feelings for his young daughter to perfection, but the audience gets in a weird dilemma after watching him as an anti-hero. Watch Suicide Squad on Sony PIX.

Will Smith in Collateral Beauty

Collateral Beauty
This film has everything in the name of love, life, death and hope. Will Smith proved what a fantastic actor he truly is by getting the audience to feel a roller-coaster of emotions. The movie focuses on interpersonal relationships and the raw emotions that come with tragedy and portrays that every tragedy is accompanied by beauty. However, as we are steeped in grief and sorrow, we tend to overlook the beauty that is caused by the tragedy. Catch this film on Sony PIX.

Will Smith in Men In Black

Men In Black
Will Smith’s science fiction adventure will have you longing for the days when movies had their own original songs recapping the film that played during the end credits. Beyond that, the movie will make you appreciate his comedic timing and his charisma as a leading man. There are two other sequels and a spinoff released for the franchise, but Will Smith’s appeal in this one is undeniable. 

Will Smith in The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness
Will Smith spends much of his Oscar-nominated performance in The Pursuit of Happyness being emotionally beaten into the ground, as a father on his last dollar trying to make sure he and his son see the next day. Smith is as endearing as it gets in the movie. When his character does finally land that job that’s going to put him over the top, you can feel the weight lift off Smith’s shoulders and the tears well up in your eyes.

Will Smith in Ali

Playing a larger than life figure like Muhammad Ali is a daunting task for even the best actors. Yet somehow, Smith took the role in a slightly off-peak moment in his career, and he made sure that he does his best performance ever. He managed to pay tribute to the man himself, while at the same time avoiding the decline into a mere parody of Ali’s mannerisms. Ali was the performance that gave Smith his first Oscar nomination, and it’s the performance-inspired Smith fans, as well as Smith himself.