
Original script detail from Iron Man about Howard Stark leaves fans heartbroken and angry

Rebecca Vargese

While fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have had little to cheer about given the recent rescheduling of movie and postponement of releases, a bit of respite for new material comes in the form of the original script from the Iron Man movie - though it is a very emotional scene!

The emotional scene in the script sees Tony Stark was talking about the miniature city he constructed with Bethany while sketching something. She is fascinated with the detail on display and the inventor brushes it off like its nothing. He calls the invention Stark City and says he constructed it at just 14 years old. When pressed about how impressed his father must have been at the creation, the gut-punch comes in. Stark says that he never came up to see it. In fact, it was made as an apology for just living. That revelation is just so dark that the fans were in tears all up and down the thread.

Read the script here

And here's how fans reacted!