
Chitpore Road Walk with Heritage Walk Calcutta

Team Indulge

Heritage Walk Calcutta is organising Chitpore Road Walk. During this tour, you will discover the early history of Kolkata, and the roles played by the locals in administering a fledgling city. The explorers will walk by the house where arguably the East Bengal Club is said to have been founded and will visit some of the oldest surviving temples in the city, and learn about the interesting histories associated with them. The walk will conclude at the gates of Sobhabazar Rajbari with walkers heading for rasagollas at Chittaranjan.

What: Chitpore Road Walk

When: June 24, 7.30 a.m. – 9.30 a.m.

Walk Leader: Dr Tathagata Neogi

Bookings: www.townscript.com