Mansi Malhotra's Novus edit
Mansi Malhotra's Novus edit 
New launches

Mansi Malhotra's latest drop, 'Novus' is elegant and modern

Sharmistha Ghosal

Known for her intricate hand embroidery, meticulous surface ornamentation, and attention to detail, couturier Mansi Malhotra's latest drop, Novus is a modern-day fairytale infused with the darkness of Greek mythology.

Novus embodies a harmonious fusion of modern opulence and timeless elegance, drawing inspiration from the grandeur of Baroque and Rococo art. With a touch of glamour and sensuality, each piece exudes an extraordinary allure, showcasing couture techniques and bold designs that set it apart as a work of art in the realm of Bridal Couture.

Mansi Malhotra's Novus edit

Infused with sophisticated elegance and enigmatic beauty, the collection weaves a narrative of individuality and creativity in luxurious fabrics  intertwined with intricate textures.

Mansi Malhotra's Novus edit

At its core lies the masterful artistry of embroidery, with each garment reflecting a symphony of intricate details, capturing the essence of opulence and sophistication in the most evocative and captivating manner.

Mansi Malhotra's Novus edit

"With its blend of modern opulence, artistic flair, and a touch of the extraordinary, the Novus transcends fashion to become a statement of refined elegance. It is a testament to the beauty of blending bold design elements with the delicate art of embroidery, offering a unique and captivating wardrobe for the woman who seeks beauty in drapery and design," sasy Mansi.