
Review: Roastery Coffee House's new menu lines up fresh burrata, creamy affogatos and a brave vegan selection

Ujjainee Roy

Roastery Coffee House has a new menu and like dedicated sustainers of the city’s coffee culture, we dropped by one afternoon to test out the new additions. Roastery is one of the few bistros in the city where coffee enthusiasts can cultivate their love by educating themselves about brews and pressing techniques; and despite their thorough attention to their beverage line-up, the joint hasn’t missed a beat with its food selections. Any Roastery loyalist would tell you that their Bruschetta is just as smooth as the Cascara (the latter being a must-have, any day).

Burrata spaghetti at Roastery
Burrata spaghetti at Roastery

“Roastery coffee house is all about coffee and people here love the types of speciality coffee we serve. But off late people really started liking our food too, they became quite popular. So during the festive season of Christmas and new year, we focused a bit more on food and made the new menu which includes quite a few Burrata-based dishes, bhetki fish dishes. Liquor infused sauces i.e brandy sauce, vodka sauce etc,” Nishant Sinha, of Roastery Coffee House, tells us.

In the coffee line-up, you’ll find some new tropical fruit-based cold brews, Kanmad Estate Cascara and Crystal Valley Estate Yellow Catuai Pour-over and Aeropress Coffee. The pour-over is an absolute classic served by pouring hot water over coffee grounds allowing the water to seep through the coffee absorbing its oils and essence.

We gave the Litchi Coffee a shot which is prepared with an exceptional blend of espresso, fresh Litchi juice and soda; the cooler’s complexity lies in its rich, but stripped-down notes, you can taste the litchi but not its fruitiness. 

Peri peri chicken pizza

The Banana Blend and Nutella Blend are both wholesome cold coffees made with double shot espresso and an ice cream base. Roastery’s new menu is also trying to make the Instagram-approved burrata a part of your go-to order; the dense solid mozzarella featuring an oozy stracciatella and cream stuffing features heavily on quite a few of their dishes like the spaghetti and the flatbread. We also tasted a creamy and intense peri peri chicken pizza with a layered, earthy hotness to its taste. In the new menu, you’ll also find comfort numbers like Pulled Mutton Burger and Batter Fried Chicken Cooked in Mushroom Sauce.

Bubble waffle with fruit and chocolate

Roastery also has a dedicated new vegan section for those who are going greener and cleaner in the new year; you’ll find dishes like Pulled Eggplant Burger, Hash Brown Sub, Eggplant Spaghetti Pasta, Flatbread Pizza and the Vegan Dark Chocolate Gelato-based Affogato. We also ordered some Bubble Waffle with Chocolate Syrup and Fresh Fruit; interestingly the fluffy, and delicious bubble waffle is not very easily available in the city.

The affogato has found a great connect with the city’s dessert adventurers and Roastery’s Caramel Toffee Affogato featuring a buttery caramel gelato is served with a high elevation coffee and freshly cut orange slices. Price for two: Rs 1,000.