
The recipe for a perfect cake-mixing event

Team Indulge

It's that time of year again! Christmas is almost here and popular restaurants and hotels in Bengaluru have started officially kicking off the countdown to Christmas with their annual cake-mixing ceremonies. Recently, team Indulge was invited to a few such fun-filled events. That left us wondering – what would a perfect cake-mixing event look like? In this article, we try to note down the ingredients for a perfect cake-mixing event!

Chefs mixing the ingredients at the cake mixing ceremony in JW Marriott Bengaluru
Chefs mixing the ingredients at the cake mixing ceremony in JW Marriott Bengaluru

Sugar and spice

As soon as you reach a cake-mixing ceremony, you realise that the entire space is filled with the intoxicating aroma of spices, liquor, and dry fruits. For instance, when we reached the cake mixing ceremony of JW Marriott Bengaluru, the whiff of the blend of spices (like cinnamon and nutmeg) and dry fruits (like sliced almonds and raisins) with liquor (like rum and wine) welcomed us. 

The view from Turf View

A view to kill

Everything is better with a good view or aesthetic decor. The main cake mixing at Holiday Inn Bengaluru Racecourse took place at Turf View, which was a restaurant on one of the topmost floors of the hotel. Overlooking the stunning greens of the Bangalore Turf Club, the huge glass windows presented a magnificent view. On the other hand, JW Marriott captured the essence of Christmas with its themed decor. Even the rich batter of the cake was also organised in the form of Griffin, which is their official mascot!

It’s all fun and games

All the guests at the mixing event of  Holiday Inn Bengaluru Racecourse were asked to find a coin hidden inside the dry fruits mix. The winner of this fun contest would win 5 kgs of the cake. After much hassle, a guest finally found the coin. And we couldn’t be more jealous!

The Indian-fusion food at Holiday Inn Bengaluru Racecourse

A sumptuous spread

While healthy Indian-fusion food from the in-house restaurant Glass was served to the guests at the Holiday Inn, JW Marriott also served an exotic spread at the JW Kitchen. The food on the buffet ranged from savoury treats like finger sandwiches to delectable desserts like chocolate cake.

Guests for the event at JW Marriott Bengaluru

Love and light

What’s a Christmas celebration if not the celebration of warmth and belongingness? At both events, guests — mostly city-based influencers and food enthusiasts — gathered and ushered in the season of celebration together.

(Image courtesy: Holiday Inn Bengaluru Racecourse, JW Marriott Bengaluru)

Twitter: @MallikPrattusa