
Seek-h an experience with Tiger Lily Bistro's barbecue menu

Chokita Paul

Having grilled food during Sunday brunches and evening barbecues has become increasingly popular, as we have seen. The number of requests for live-grill stations at restaurants that specialise in outdoor catering has also been on the rise. Therefore, it was Friday lunchtime here at Tiger Lily Bistro and after noticing how different the new barbecue menu is from the regular menu, we decided to order in. Shiva Muduli, the head chef tells us, “This is a fusion menu with more spice than in the regular one. I would recommend Chipotle chicken from our non-veg starters. The regular menu has more Italian and American oriented cuisine whereas the barbecue menu has a mix of everything.” 

Pimento Perri Perri Prawns
Pimento Perri Perri Prawns
Creamy Parmesan Broccoli
Chipotle Chicken

And he was mostly right about it! The Chipotle Chicken tasted as wholesome as its vibrant outlook. Admiring its crispiness, we dipped the spicy chicken in their in-house hot chilli mayo and mopped our plates off the salad dressed in vinegar and lemon. Next came the Creamy Parmesan Broccoli together with Pimento Perri Perri Prawns. As hardcore non-veg lovers, who also consider broccoli, not an all-time favourite vegetable, we were sceptical of its impressions at first. It turns out that because of the crunchy texture and tangy flavours, the dish has become one of our favourite platters. Our taste buds felt a slice of heaven as we dipped broccoli along with tomato jalapenos into the Mexican salsa for a healthy blend of condiments and savouries.

Cranberry Coffee
TL Sunshine

The appetisers were followed by TL Sunshine and Cranberry Coffee. The beverages whose balmy fragrance and redolent hints of orange and apple stood out for us, also hit us with everlasting enthusiasm. For dessert, we ordered their newly-added Strawberry Tres Lichi. Filled with strawberry jam while topped with creamy cheese, roasted almonds, cherries and strawberry sauce, this one is a good choice if you're searching for a delicious and indulgent dessert to complement your meal.
₹1,499 for two. At Jubilee Hills.

E-mail: chokita@newindianexpress.com
Twitter: @PaulChokita
Photos: Sahithi Sirikonda