
Here’s five easy and nutritious bites for sehri this Ramzaan

F Khatoon

Sehri, the customary meal, before dawn, during Ramzaan often becomes a task. What to eat and what not to eat becomes the major question. A late dinner ups the scale of difficulty. Being the most important meal before the fast begins, makes it necessary and different dietary habits throw rozedaar in a fix. While some prefer it to be light, others want it to be nutritious, rightly so. We have handpicked five easy and interesting options for you to kick off your roza. Happy Ramazaan!

Yoga Bar

If you are someone who is looking for a healthy mix of veggies in a bowl for sehri then check out the spread by Yoga Bar. Their Veggie Masala Oats are a delicious mix of veggies, seeds and premium golden rolled oats that make for a super-healthy meal. They also have 3X more veggies and 7% seeds to make them power-packed for you. It is easy to cook in just 5 minutes. SO you don't have to wait for your breakfast so long. The shelf life of this oatmeal is 6 months from the date of manufacturing.  

Ketofy - Choco-Chip Protein Cookies

Looking for something that doesn’t involve cooking? What better way than to munch on a protein-rich cookie? Choco-Chip Protein Cookies are ultra-low on carbs and are rich in nutritious almonds, cocoa, proteins along other nuts and essential vitamins. They are easily digested and absorbed by the gut quickly than other proteins and promote muscle growth and treat blood sugar levels. The shelf life of this Cookie is 180 days from the date of manufacturing.

Nourish Organics Almond Buckwheat Cookies

These organic almond cookies are super high on protein and fibre while the nuts in them are a hero for the heart. A pack of these organic cookies will get you ready and energized for the day.  The shelf life of this oatmeal is 8 months from the date of manufacturing.  

Slurrp Farm Instant Breakfast Millet Pancake

If you are someone who always loves to eat lavish breakfast with nutritious so here is the Millet Pancakes for you. This instant pancake mix comes in various flavours and can energise you for the remainder of the day. It filled with goodness of oats, foxtail millet, amaranth and jowar, natural banana and chocolate chips. No maida at all. 100% vegetarian. Everyone knows that oats are a powerhouse of fibre! Great for everyone! and it contains Natural ingredients, no preservatives, no artificial colours and flavours. The shelf life of this pancake packet is 12 months from the date of manufacturing.  

Kellogg's Muesli Fruit and Nut

For those who prefer having a healthy meal in the morning, muesli is a great option to go for. This pack of Kellogg’s muesli with fruit and nuts is quite popular in the market and is loved for its delicious taste. It is made of oats, corn, wheat, rice, papaya, peaches, apples, raisins, grapes and almonds. It naturally cholesterol-free breakfast cereal for your body and is a great option to add vitamins, fibre and iron to your daily diet. The shelf life of this muesli packet is 9 months from the date of manufacturing.