
Gadget Boy Review: AliveCor KardiaMobile 6L

Ashok Pandian

KardiaMobile is a personal ECG device that offers medical-grade monitoring of your heart from the convenience of your home. I managed to spend some time with this unique and useful device and find it excellent for those concerned and need to monitor their cardiac health. First off, the device needs no wires and gels, which makes the process much easier, secondly, the information gained is easy to share with your healthcare professional and trusted.

I found it easy to set up the app and get readings in a matter of minutes. The device is also FDA-cleared and is able to detect abnormalities including Atrial Fibrillation and abnormal heart rhythms any time, anywhere. The six-lead ECG data also presents a more complete picture of your heart. This is an excellent and vital device, especially for those with heart conditions as well as those who wish to keep a regular tab on their tickers.

Rs. 14,000