
Here are a few modak recipes you must try this Ganesh Chaturthi 


Ukdiche Modak Recipe
Rice flour 1 1/2 cups
Salt a pinch
Oil 1 teaspoon for greasing

For stuffing:
Fresh coconut grated 1 1/2 cups
Jaggery (gur) grated 1 cup
Poppy seeds (khuskhus/posto) roasted 1 tablespoon
Green cardamom powder a pinch
Nutmeg powder a pinch


Heat one and one-fourth cups of water with salt and one teaspoon oil in a deep non-stick pan.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and add the rice flour in a steady flow, stirring continuously to prevent lumps from forming. Cover the pan with a deep lid and pour some water into the lid. Cook on low heat for three minutes.

Remove the lid, sprinkle some cold water on the rice flour and cover again with the lid, bring to a boil, reduce heat, and add the rice flour in a steady flow, stirring continuously to prevent lumps from forming water in it; cook for another three minutes. Repeat this process twice more. Take the pan off the heat and keep it covered for two minutes.

Transfer the mixture to a large plate (parat), grease the palms of your hands with oil and knead the dough till completely smooth and pliable. The dough should not stick to your palms. Rest the dough covered with a damp cloth.

For the stuffing, combine the coconut and jaggery in a non-stick pan and cook on medium heat for one or two minutes till light golden brown. Make sure that you do not overcook the mixture. Add the roasted poppy seeds, cardamom powder and nutmeg powder, an

Divide the dough into twelve equal portions and shape them into balls. Grease the palms of your hands and spread each ball to form a three-inch bowl. Press the edges of the bowls to reduce the thickness.

Place a portion of the stuffing in the centre; pleat the edges of the dough and gather them together to form a bundle. Pinch to seal the edges at the top.

Heat sufficient water in a steamer. Place the modak on a perforated plate in the steamer and steam for ten to twelve minutes. 

Serve hot modak with pure ghee.

Maharaj Jodharam Choudhary

Chocolate Modak

2 cups Ricotta Cheese
1 cup Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/2 cup semi-sweet Chocolate Chips
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

Heat heavy bottom pan on a medium heat.
To that add ricotta cheese
Mix and cook for 5 to 8 mts.
Once the ricotta cheese starts to thicken up, add condensed milk in that.
Mix and cook for 4 to 5 mts more.
Turn the heat off.
Add cocoa powder, chocolate chips, mix well.
Wait until mixture cools down completely.
Once the chocolate mixture is cool to touch.
Take the modal mould and stuff with chocolate mixture to give that a modak shape.