
Many reasons to bake

Mahima Anna Jacob

Sarah Zia Adeel’s experimentation with baking seems never-ending. Aside from enticing the taste buds of sweettooths with over 50 varieties of cupcakes through her homegrown brand ‘Fluff In A Cup’, the youngster is now giving a different perspective to baking by combining life skills. The initiative ‘Little Fluffs’ focuses mainly on children aged between five and 10 and teenagers. The aim is to make them proactive and self-confident through baking. 

“I’ve been baking for the past nine years. During all the bad phases in my life, baking has been therapeutic and helped me to stay grounded. Since then, I wanted to advocate the importance of baking therapy,” says Sarah, who is also a certified happiness life coach. According to her, childrencan learn essesntial skills through the step by step process involved in baking and aid them in their growing process. Following the instructions can benefit them to become more mindful, focusing just on one task, rather than reacting to external distractions, she says. “Even the repetitive motions involved in kneading, measuring, weighing, and mixing can improve hand-eye coordination. It will also help them learn science and math concepts,” adds Sarah. 

During the sessions, they will get to have hands-on experience in baking cupcakes, cookies, and truffles. Seeing the final result will boost their self-confidence, she says. The actions can also improve their fine motor skills, especially when rolling out cookies and frosting cupcakes. In addition to life skills, the sessions will help them learn to slow down. “In this fast-paced life, we are expecting quick results. Instant gratification is what I am looking to avoid. For baking to be successful, one has to wait patiently, this will help children calm down,” says Sarah. 

The sessions are open to teenagers as well. For them, Little Fluffs is combining mental health and baking. 
“With different developmental and social challenges, its mostly the teenagers who go through anxiety and depression. Through baking therapy, they’ll grow to love the process. It will also help them stay grounded,” says Sarah, who aspires to start an institute solely for baking therapy. 

Currently, the 27-year-old is carrying out sessions at her residence in Ernakulam. However, Sarah plans to expand the one of a kind initiative to other parts the state and gradually around the country. 
Sessions for teenagers are on May 30 at Tanzeel Chalet in Kadavanthara. Instagram: @littlefluffsbaking