
Italian baby care brand Chicco's new range of cups and bibs help babies sip effortlessly

Team Indulge

Here comes the time in every baby’s growth where it is necessary to replace breast to a cup. It is not just about the transition from sucking to drinking but it is when your toddler for the time starts learning how to feed themselves independently. The Chicco’s latest arrivals in the nursing range that can be used as a transition tool are sure to become your new BBF in baby’s drinking training. Aiding to the different need of your toddler, the brand has designed different options for every phrase, right from the essential first cup to the one ideal for learning to drink from a glass.

Chicco’s perfectly sized cups for your little ones
o Transition Cup (At 4 Months +)
o Training Cup (At 6 months +)
o Advanced Cup (At 12 Months +)
o Perfect Cup (At 12 Months +)

Supporting the same, the latest baby bibs and soft soothers make sipping simple and provide leak-proof mealtimes. We've created this set of bibs to combat mess and keep crumbs at bay. The range features playful print, easy to wash and wipe clean fabrics that add the finishing touches to this must-have.

The product range includes:
 Chicco’s Physio soft soothers:
The extra soft soother that is BPA free & features the Physio orthodontic teat gives the exact “Mum Effect” to the baby.
 Chicco Easy Meal BIB
The quick adsorbent Bib is waterproof to prevent food and liquid seeping onto the clothes. Also, the ergonomic shape is a great helper during weaning.