Mind and Body

Yoga against coronavirus: Ira Trivedi suggests six asanas to build your immunity against COVID-19

Team Indulge

While yoga expert Ira Trivedi brings her expertise to the mat, with this new collaboration with FabCafe there are promises of a congenial ambience promoting all-round wellness. The yoga instructor and founder of IraYoga Wellness,  feels the beautiful serene interiors of FabCafe will make yoga widely accessible. The 32-year-old author (of The Great Indian Love Story and There’s No Love on Wall Street among others), talks about bringing wellness to the workplace and suggests asanas to strengthen immunity in the face of the novel coronavirus epidemic. Excerpts:

How can working professionals include yoga in their schedule?

To address especially this problem I have created the Ira Yoga app which is available for corporate programming. The IraYoga App aims at bringing yoga right to the desk by focussing on cures to common problems such as the neck, back, eyes, shoulders and arms. The key features include 3-5 minute modules, workout scheduler, progress tracker, scoreboard, reward points and goodies, guided meditation and breath modules, and live training with expert yoga teachers. 

Stress is also something the employees have to deal with in the office. What are the asanas they can include to relieve their tension?

No one needs yoga more than corporates who are stressed - both mentally and physically. Just a few minutes of breathwork, a few moments of restfulness in the mind and body can create a huge difference. All yoga asanas work to relieve tension when done mindfully and with the breath to create a mind-body- breath connection. 

Are you working on any new title?

I am working on a book titled, ‘The 10-minute yogic diet solution’, which aims at imparting essential yogic diet advice. The very timely part of this book is that each recipe takes just 10 minutes so lives that are getting increasingly fast-paced, this book is really important. We are hoping to launch in June close to International Yoga Day. 

Yoga against coronavirus

In the current context with the global awareness of the Coronavirus (Covid – 19), Ira shares six yoga asanas to help build immunity to fight viruses and diseases.

1. Kapalbhati - A cleansing Kriya for the respiratory system. 

2. Surya Bheda- A stimulating pranayama to increase heat in the body.

3. Seated chest lift - to increase respiratory strength + lung strength.

4. Padahasta asana with elbow hold- for stimulating the spleen. 

5. Viparati Karni - To improve circulation, 

6. Balsana - to silence the mind.