Mind and Body

Winter’s delight: 6 creative and nutritious Indian snacks to satisfy cravings and boost well-being

Team Indulge

As winter wraps its comforting embrace around the Indian subcontinent, the desire for heartwarming snacks becomes irresistible. But who says indulging in traditional winter treats means sacrificing your health? We bring you 6 wholesome Indian winter snacks promising not only taste-bud satisfaction but also a boost to your well-being. 

Nut bites: A symphony of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and wholesome ingredients, nut bites are a celebration of rich flavours and satisfying textures. These bite-sized snacks offer a nutritional punch with the goodness of nuts.

Roasted sweet potato bites: Imagine bite-sized pieces of sweet potato, seasoned to perfection and roasted until they achieve a crispy exterior, maintaining a tender interior. These little delights redefine the snack game, offering a healthier twist to traditional fried alternatives.

Jaggery-sesame chikki: Bid farewell to refined sugar-laden sweets and welcome the goodness of jaggery. Combined with sesame seeds, it gives birth to the classic Chikki. Packed with iron, calcium, and essential minerals, this snack not only indulges your sweet tooth but also provides a nutritional boost.

Puffed and pressed grains: Versatile and crunchy, both puffed and pressed grains find their way into a variety of dishes, from breakfast to snacks. Adding texture and nutritional value, these grains showcase their popularity across different culinary realms.

Amaranth ladoo: Crafted from amaranth seeds, jaggery, ghee, nuts, cardamom powder, and grated coconut, Amaranth Ladoo is a powerhouse of protein, fibre, and various vitamins and minerals. A wholesome sweet treat that aligns taste with nutrition.

Roasted seasonal vegetables: For a colourful and nutritious journey, roasted seasonal veggies steal the limelight. Tossed in oil and seasonings, then oven-roasted to caramelized perfection, this dish is a versatile and delightful way to enjoy the flavours of in-season vegetables.

In a season where comfort is key, these Indian winter snacks offer a delectable journey that not only satisfies cravings but also promotes well-being. Embrace the flavours, colours, and nutrition this winter, and redefine the joy of snacking!