Mind and Body

Revitalise your health post-Christmas and New Year festivities with this ayurveda detox plan

Team Indulge, IANS

As the Christmas and New Year celebrations wrap up, the aftermath may leave you dealing with gastric issues, bloating, and respiratory concerns due to pollution. To counteract these effects, consider embracing a traditional Ayurveda detox plan that not only cleanses the body but also revitalizes the mind. With the onset of winter, known as ‘Hemant Ritu,’ the body undergoes recovery and rebuilding. The Ayurveda detox plan aligns with the seasonal guidelines (Ritucharya) and doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) to address physiological, mental, and emotional health.

Key Guidelines for Ayurveda Detox:

1. Abhyanga: Combat physical fatigue with a hot oil massage, known as Abhyanga. This rejuvenating practice, from scalp to feet, nourishes and stimulates the body's inner and outer organs, releasing accumulated toxins.

2. Detoxifying the System: After festive indulgence, detoxify your digestive system with a planned approach. Suggestions include avoiding oily and spicy foods, opting for lightly cooked or steamed meals, consuming fruits instead of juices, eating soaked dry fruits and nuts, and practicing portion control.

3. Physical Exercise: Restart your exercise routine with short sessions and incorporate daily yoga and meditation in the morning. These activities contribute to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Common Questions on Ayurveda Detox:

 - How to detox after a festival?

After a festive week, detox by staying hydrated, consuming light-cooked food, avoiding junk food, increasing physical activities, and trying home remedies like cumin and rock salt, ginger and jaggery, and fennel seeds in moderation.

- How long does it take to detox?

It typically takes a few days to a week, varying based on individual body functions.

- Best drinks for system functions?

Boiled water is excellent for digestion and internal cleansing. Other flavored drinks like cumin water, coriander water, ginger water, amla water, and triphala water can be beneficial.

- What to eat on a 3-day detox?

Stick to simple and non-oily, non-spicy foods like rice ganji, rasam, khichadi, soft rice, and dal. This Ayurveda detox plan aligns with the resolution for optimal health in the coming year.