Mind and Body

The magic of scent

Nivedya Raman

The smell from a new born, the perfume you used in your last trip and the smell from your room, how does it make you feel? Not difficult to visualise right. What makes it easier to remember things associated with smell?

Dr Divya Sarah Lal, psychology professor from St Francis College for Women, says, “The sense of smell is powerful and has the ability to trigger vivid memories and emotions. Unlike our other senses, which are processed by the cortex before being sent to the emotional centers of the brain, smells have a direct pathway to these regions. This direct connection is what makes scent so powerful in evoking emotions and memories. When one inhales any scent, the molecules from the scent travels from the olfactory receptors in our nose to the olfactory bulb in the brain. From here the receptors carry the information to the key regions in the brain, which trigger the memories and emotions.”

There are two major emotions associated with smell, that is traumatic and happy ones. “Traumatic ones can include imprisoned survivors, abused victims. One such case study is of Sarah, a survivor of childhood abuse. One particular memory that she still remembers is the smell of old books and cigarettes. Her abuser was a heavy smoker, and as she would sit in his study, her nose assaulted with a mixture of smoke and books, even after so many years the memories keep haunting, every time she smells books or cigarettes,” shares Dr Divya.

K Sakshi, a perfume lover says that, “I personally love fruity, and fresh smelling perfumes. They keep me active and happy all day. Apart from this, they boost my self confidence and creates a positive mindset. The days I don’t wear a perfume, I usually am very sad, and lack motivation to do anything.”

These smells can leave a lasting impression on a person, especially if it’s a traumatic one. The emotions associated with it, somehow shapes our perception of the scent and our response to it.

A case study conducted by Rachel Herz, a psychologist at Brown University examined the association between smelling certain scents and the emotional response they gathered. The study found that the participants emotional states were gradually affected by the smell they were exposed to. Scents can also impact our decision-making ability and our behaviour. Pleasant smells like from a restaurant can increase the likelihood of customers to buy from there. On the other side unpleasant or foul smells can affect our moods badly.

“Different smells can evoke different emotions, and this is subjective to each individual, as their core memories associated with that particular scent is different.

Some tips to enhance your sense of smell according to Dr Divya are:

*Be aware of yourself

*Pay attention to the stimulation around you

*Closely observe, and try distinguishing various smells In conclusion, the magic of scent lies in its ability of our consciousness, emotional response and vivid memories. Exploring the psychology of our sense of smell not only helps us understand human mindset but also enhances our overall well-being.