Mind and Body

Celebrity Pilates instructor Namrata Purohit shares her journey with us

Sharmistha Ghosal

A leader in the fitness space, Namrata Purohit has rightfully earned the title of the Youngest Trained Stott Pilates Instructor in the world. A trainer to Bollywood celebs like Sara Ali Khan, Janvi Kapoor, Kareena  Kapoor Khan, and Malaika Arora Khan, among others, Namrata has grown from strength to strength and her The Pilates Studio in  Mumbai offers  Pilates and Simulated Altitude Training under one roof.

A very energetic fitness expert, Namrata has taken the fitness game a notch higher by introducing Electric muscle stimulation a.k.a EMS training that offers much-needed efficacious change within a short period. 

We talk with the certified Barre Instructor and Boogie Bounce Master Instructor to know how the conversation around fitness is changing with time.

Tell us about your journey as an ace pilates trainer.

It started over 10 years ago when I began practicing and teaching pilates, all thanks to a fall I had. It worked like magic for me and I recovered in just four days post my injury and surgery. I knew I had to expose more people to this amazing form of fitness and it truly has been an incredible journey, where I taught and learned so much at the same time.

How popular has pilates become with the fitness-conscious?

Pilates has become extremely popular among athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs and others. It is an extremely smart way to train, works the entire body and gives you maximum benefit while ensuring you stay fit mentally and physically. It also helps prevent injuries.

What is EMS training all about?

Technically, EMS is a total body workout with body current. Our muscles contract through electric impulses (bioelectronics) in a normal state. The EMS training makes use of this effect by employing hardly noticeable external electro impulses. Because of this the natural effect is more intensified and effective training can be achieved. It’s time efficient and trains deep muscles thereby increasing metabolic rate and helping in post-pregnancy fitness. It also increases overall strength and endurance and helps in managing joint issues and muscle coordination.

In a market swelling with fitness coaches, what makes one stand out?

Being honest with what you do, and the people you work with, and truly enjoying what you do. The passion one has for what one does always translates into better classes, engagement and results.

Your future plans?

I dream of having Pilates studios across the country to ensure people all around India can benefit from this incredible form of exercise. We are working towards that besides expanding our reach online.

What and who inspires you?

My father is my biggest inspiration. The energy and desire he has to learn new things every single day and the passion he shares for what he does is just incredible. He has taught me that nothing can stop you if you try your best, he also always reminds me to enjoy the journey and make the most of every moment.

How do you cope with stress?

I have a simple theory: if there’s a problem and you can solve the problem there’s no need to stress, if you can’t solve the problem there’s still no need to stress as there’s anyway nothing you can do about it, so might as well look forward and work on the next step.

I think Pilates, dancing, horse riding and spending time with my family and my dogs and horses have got me to a stage where I am able to deal with a situation in a calm manner without getting too worked up.

For working women who are also raring children its always not easy to maintain a fitness routine. Your advice?

Something is better than nothing. Do as much as you can and make the most of it. Simple 20-minute workouts that can be done at home will take you a long way. And most importantly eat healthy and get rest.

We often aspire for very unrealistic figures watching celebs getting back to shape post-pregnancy. Your take?

Understand your body, don’t compare yourself and your journey to anyone, and achieve a fit and healthy body sustainably and in a healthy way.

Your message to other aspiring women fitness coaches?

Enjoy the journey, appreciate the body for everything it does, and always KISSS -- Keep It Safe Simple and Smart.