Mind and Body

Six effective tips for alleviating constipation

Deepika Rathod

Constipation affects numerous individuals worldwide but most of them don’t admit due to the stigma related to this condition. People suffering from constipation resort to laxatives, yet retaining the discomfort. Constipation refers to an uncomfortable condition characterised by infrequent bowel movements or difficulty passing stools. It occurs when the stool remains in the colon for extended periods, causing hardening and dryness, making elimination challenging.

When waste remains undischarged, fermentation begins, generating gas and bacterial overgrowth, leading to complications. Numerous factors contribute to constipation, and common causes include dietary factors, insufficient water intake, lack of physical activity, certain medications and specific medical conditions. This condition often leads to discomfort, bloating, and straining during bowel movements, causing distress and unease. Surgical procedures and chemotherapy can also induce the same.

Let’s look at effective tips for alleviating constipation:

Fibre is pivotal for easing motion. Slowly balancing soluble and insoluble fibre quantities is essential, preventing bloating and foul-smelling flatulence. Fibre, found abundantly in fruits, and vegetables, adds bulk to stools, facilitating their movement through the digestive tract. Water acts as a lubricant, aiding in softening stools, making them easier to pass. These two work synergistically: fibre adds bulk, while water ensures smooth passage, collectively easing bowel movements and alleviating constipation.

Butyric acid, derived from ghee, plays a pivotal role in colon health, serving as a potent natural laxative. Incorporating minimal pure ghee with warm water aids digestion due to the butyric acid content, facilitating smoother bowel movements. Consumption of ghee promotes the release of butyric acid, which, when absorbed, supports gut health, eases constipation, and fosters a healthier digestive environment, naturally improving bowel regularity and easing discomfort.

Magnesium deficiency can cause constipation. This mineral promotes intestinal muscle contractions, aiding in regularity and softening stool consistency. As a mild, safe laxative, magnesium stimulates water retention in the intestines, easing stool passage. Its presence encourages a smoother digestive process, effectively alleviating constipation. Incorporating magnesium-rich foods or supplements into the diet can enhance gut motility and provide relief from constipation, contributing to improved bowel movements and overall digestive health without causing harsh side effects often associated with other over-the-counter laxatives.

Symbiotics refer to a combination of prebiotics and probiotics, which work synergistically to enhance gut health. This blend supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, enhancing digestive health and promoting regular bowel movements. Prebiotics serve as nourishment for probiotics, stimulating their growth and activity in the gut. Probiotics restore the balance of gut flora, aiding in smoother digestion and easing constipation. By fostering a healthier gut environment, symbiotics regulate bowel movements, improve stool consistency and alleviate constipation naturally.

Vitamin B1 supplements or foods rich in thiamine are vital for colon muscle movement. Vitamin B12 also aids in relieving constipation. Thiamine aids in the churning movements of the colon muscles, facilitating the smooth passage of stool. Its deficiency can lead to discomfort even after passing stool. Meanwhile, Vitamin B12 contributes to gastrointestinal health and aids in normalising bowel movements. These essential vitamins ensure the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and muscular movements, effectively reducing the chances of constipation. Understanding and rectifying the root causes of constipation via lifestyle adjustments, dietary modifications, and proper supplementation can significantly mitigate discomfort and improve overall well-being.

Essential lifestyle adjustments, proper hydration, and adequate dietary fibre form the cornerstone for a natural remedy against constipation. Always seek guidance from healthcare professionals for personalised advice and effective solutions concerning constipation-related concerns.