Photo by Ekaterina Antonova on Unsplash
Photo by Ekaterina Antonova on Unsplash
Mind and Body

Dos and don'ts of getting inked this summer

Team Indulge

Summer is the season where you can show off your tattoos or for those feeling adventurous, adding a new piece of ink to the canvas. But before you dive headfirst into the tattoo chair, it's crucial to consider the dos and don'ts of getting inked this summer. From choosing the right design to caring for your fresh tattoo in the sun-soaked days ahead, navigating the world of tattoos requires a bit of know-how. Here are some essential tips by Sunny Bhanushali, Founder of Aliens Tattoo, to ensure a hassle free and vibrant tattoo experience.


Stay Hydrated

It is important to prioritize hydration in the days leading up to your tattoo appointment. Indian summers can be very hot, and staying properly hydrated not only helps to keep your skin healthy but also aids in the healing process after getting a tattoo. Remember to carry a water bottle with you to the studio and make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the entire tattoo session.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

It is recommended that you wear loose and breathable clothing on the day of your tattoo appointment. The heat can increase discomfort during the tattooing process, and tight or thick clothing may irritate your skin. To stay cool and allow your skin to breathe during and after the session, it's best to wear light cotton fabrics.

Protect Your Tattoo from the Sun

It is important to protect your tattoo from direct sunlight, especially during the initial healing phase. Exposure to UV rays for an extended period of time can cause your tattoo to fade or become damaged, leading to a less vibrant appearance over time. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that you use a high SPF sunscreen and apply it generously to your tattooed area whenever you are outdoors. Alternatively, you can cover your tattoo with clothing or seek shade to minimize sun exposure. Remember that taking proper care of your tattoo will help keep it looking great for years to come.


Avoid Excessive Moisture

After getting a new tattoo, it's important to avoid swimming or exposing the tattoo to excessive moisture for at least two weeks. Prolonged exposure to water can increase the risk of infection and hinder the healing process. It's also important to avoid excessive sweating, as it can introduce bacteria to the tattooed area and impede healing.

Say No to Tanning

To protect the colors and lines of your tattoo, it's best to avoid tanning beds and spending long periods in the sun. These can lead to significant fading and distortion of your tattoo. If you want a tanned look, choose sunless tanning options. However, do not apply any self-tanning products directly onto your tattooed skin until it's fully healed.

Don't Pick or Scratch

It's essential to avoid scratching or picking at your tattooed skin to ensure proper healing. The hot Indian summers can make the itching and flaking worse, but it is crucial not to pick at scabs or peel the skin. This can interfere with the healing process and negatively impact the overall appearance of your tattoo. To alleviate itching and promote healthy healing, it's important to keep your tattooed skin moisturized using a fragrance-free lotion or ointment.