
Chef Sanjyot Keer shares an exotic recipe to celebrate World Chocolate Day

Sharmistha Ghosal

With the World Chocolate Day falling on July 7, here is an irresistible no-bake vegan chocolate dessert recipe shared by celebrated Chef Sanjyot Keer.

California Walnut Chocolate Brownie

1 cup California Walnuts | 1 cup pitted dates | 6 tbsp cocoa powder | a pinch of salt | 1/4 cup roasted California Walnut chunks

California Walnut Chocolate Brownie

Chop the dates into smaller pieces so that it is easy to grind them.
Alternatively, soak them in boiling water if they are extra firm.
In a mixer grinder add one-cup California Walnuts, cocoa powder and a pinch of salt and give it a blitz until you get a powder-like consistency.
Add the dates and grind well to combine everything. Add warm water if it is getting difficult to grind the mixture.
Transfer this crumbly dough into a mixing bowl and add chopped roasted California walnut chunks.
Turn mixture on a parchment paper or a plate and spread it into a large square. Cut into pieces and garnish it with some California Walnuts. You can also make vegan chocolate ganache with coconut oil and cocoa powder and top it up on your brownies.
Chill the brownies in the fridge and serve.