
Women cite inattentiveness and lack of compliments as the number one reason for cheating, according to Gleeden

Anagha Maareesha

Gleeden is an extra-marital dating app. The company has found a huge number of users in India. Recent findings by the app say that, in contrast to the cultural stereotypes, nearly as many women cheat as men. There may be several reasons why your partner steps out of the relationship - under appreciation, feeling neglected or ignorance. So it is worth looking at why people are unfaithful or what drags them into a relationship outside married life — especially women, whose affairs are often misreported.

A recent study conducted by Gleeden has revealed that the lack of compliments and acts of kindness from their spouses is the foremost reason for female infidelity.  The survey was conducted on 11,000 female users and according to their responses, 84% women complain about their partners not giving them enough attention and compliments whereas 61% admit that lack of compliments cause discussions and tension within the couple. Further, 77% of respondents admitted that this behaviour is the primary reason which brought them to stray away from their married life.

Going further, 82% of the respondents stated that they need to feel appreciated and valued in their relationship, lack of which forces them to look elsewhere. For 76%, the lack of compliments undermines their ability to feel desirable and seductive. Lastly, 42% find it hard to feel sexually attracted and aroused towards someone who doesn’t feel the same way, forcing them to look for love outside the relationship.

Even the Journal of Sex Marital Therapy supports these revelations that an inattentive partner can have a devastating impact on a woman’s interest in the relationship. It states that women who regularly receive compliments from their fiancé, husband or boyfriend about their looks are more sexually fulfilled than others.