
Ever heard of earth acupuncture?

S BS Surendran

In the science of Feng shui it is said that the type of energy the piece of land emanates determines the prospects and well being of the occupants who will occupy that space. From ancient times, town planning to  individual homes were designed keeping in mind various factors like sunlight, wind, water and the flora and fauna. The flora and fauna of a space  has a lot of influence of the land on which they grow. Hence one of the important aspects of choosing a suitable site is considering the energy that lies beneath it, preferably preferably finding beneficial and harmonious energy and avoiding or countering harmful energies. The popularised term geopathic stress describes the negative effect of exposure to harmful earth energies. 

Such energies may be natural global grids and their crossings, or arise from earth fault lines, mineral deposits, underground water courses. Trauma to the earth such as excavation, mining, building, even battlefields can also result in disrupted harmful energy. 

If such zones are located directly beneath you they can cause or exacerbate a weakened immune system resulting in difficulty sleeping, exhaustion, anxiety, and agitation. German medical studies over 70 years have indicated that exposure over a period of time may correspond to chronic health problems particularly the incidence of cancer. Currents of energy within the earth can be likened to acupuncture meridians in human bodies (as per eastern medicine). When these currents are blocked, disturbed or polluted, the effect on surroundings and its inhabitants is draining. Sometimes these are referred to as black streams.

Energy can also appear in spots and spirals. The effect is felt through structures ie floors and walls are not barriers, and strength fluctuates with season, lunar cycles, and time of day. One way to deal with harmful earth energies is to avoid them: move your bed, desk, chair position or even move to another home. Alternately energy can be transformed or cured. Earth acupuncture (similar to human acupuncture) promotes the flow of blocked meridians and allows stagnancy and negativity to clear. Energy can be transformed or dispersed to become free-flowing. In Chinese terminology Sha Chi (wnegative energy) is transformed to Sheng chi (positive energy).

The growth in popularity of modern Feng Shui comes from its success. Today’s techniques include electromagnetic forces (EMF) detection and correction also activation methods currently explained by quantum physics. Colours, sounds, texture, shapes and mirrors are examples of ‘physical cures’ used in Feng Shui. Just as important and frequently used are esoteric cures that address the intuitive and unseen forces surrounding us. A balanced setting empowered by your intentions and goals will attract and ease the flow of positive energy into many facets of our lives: career, friends and supporters, creativity, partnership, wealth, family relationships, knowledge and health. Starting with this edition, we bring you a periodic column on home improvement.

How do you identify geo pathic stress ? 

If you face situations like those listed below, then you need to take a closer look of your space.

Building structural problems, subsidence, constant delays in building works | vermin: ant, insect, mice infestations | stunted plant growth, diseased plants, abnormal growth, weeds | frequent accidents/breakages, ‘black spots’ illness | muddle-headedness, sluggishness, lack of concentration | difficulty sleeping, odd positions in bed, nightmares, tiredness even after a long night's sleep | TV addiction | clutter | antagonism from or difficulty with neighbours