
What the nation really wants to know is the meaning of 'Farrago'

Team Indulge

While Arnab Goswami is busy digging out facts on Sunanda Pushkar's murder case and trying to get the spotlight on what he believes is Shashi Tharoor's role in the death of his wife, it looks like that's not what the nation wants to know! 

What the country really wants to know is the meaning of the word farrago! 

Reacting to Arnab's on air accusations, Tharoor, who refused to come out in the open to clarify, took the twitter route to make a statement. He tweeted

This gave rise to a host of memes, but the takeaway of the evening and the day to follow was Google's revelation on what the nation was busy searching for online while the debate raged on on air. Google trends reveal that the word Farrago was one of the most searched words in India these past two days. See graph below.

Well, end of day, we learnt a new word didn't we!