
Five tips to keep to your hair healthy and nourished this monsoon

Rashmi Rajagopal

As the weather changes, so does hair. And if you’re one of those people whose hair has a mind of its own, you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about. We spoke to Sareena Acharya, artistic head of Enrich Salon, who gave us a few tips on how to ensure your tresses don’t take a beating during the monsoon. “Things like humid weather and acidic downpour manipulate the chemical structure of our hair which makes it difficult to manage. Frizziness, hair fall and itchy scalp are just some of the problems that people tend to face during this season,” explains Sareena. 

Here are her five tips:

Keep your locks dry 
Humidity and keeping hair wet for a long period of time can cause hair fall. A microfibre towel is a great way to keep your hair dry during the monsoons as the material has a high absorption power, causing minimum abrasion thus reducing hair fall.

What goes in, shows on the outside
Diet plays an important role in skin as well as haircare. It’s important to incorporate foods that are rich in protein, vitamin C, biotin, iron and omega 3 fatty acids. These can be found in spinach, walnuts, mackerel, salmon, carrots and in whole grains. The nutrients from these nourish your hair from the inside. Junk food and caffeine can cause dehydration, which is why it’s important to drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day.

Avoid tying your hair tightly
Tie your hair in loose buns and ponytails to avoid unnecessary breakage and stress on your hair. High humidity levels can also cause excessive breakage.

Use a wide tooth comb
A wide tooth comb is recommended to detangle and brush your hair. The comb ensures minimum breakage and abrasion.

Avoid heat on your hair
If you have dry and frizzy hair, avoid using blow dryers or styling tools as it can make your hair brittle. If it’s absolutely necessary to use a blow dryer, dry only your roots and let the tips and shafts air dry.