
Diwali special: Five tips on how to eat smart and stay fit during the festive season

Ayesha Tabassum

The festive season is in full swing and celebrations mean binging on all the delicious food and sweets. However, for those who are watching their waistline and the numbers on the weighing machine, here are ways to help you stay fit even as you indulge.

Bengaluru-based nutritionist Anupama Menon shares these five tips to follow during this season:

Eat smart at parties: Do not keep eating in bits, which is the tendency generally. Eat in chunks. A quarter plate at a time with a gap of an hour or an hour-and-a-half in between. Usually a party lasts for five to six hours or sometimes longer, so eat four quarter plates in the evening or even lesser if you aren't tempted. This practice will help you digest and metabolise better.

The lemon-olive fix:
Chances of maintaining your weight are drastically higher when your digestion is smooth and comfortable. When you eat heavy and food that's different from your routine, you might get constipated or may have an upset tummy. So for the entire week during the celebrations drink a mix of 2 teaspoons virgin olive oil mixed with the juice of 1 lemon before going to bed at night.

Intermittent fasting:
This trick helps during the festive season to better regulate the weighing scales. Try the 14 hour fasting principle. If you have last eaten at 12am, your next meal should be at 12 noon the next day, but instead extend your fasting by two more hours until 2pm. This gives you a greater advantage. But hydrate yourself well with lots of water. You can drink black coffee, lemon juice, green tea but not any drinks with calories. Even after you have broken your fast, eat a meal where half your plate has vegetables, a quarter has carbs and the remaining quarter has protein. It’s important to have a well balanced and fulfilling meal at the end of the fast. 

Keep up the 10,000 steps:
Try and maintain your activity at 10,000 steps. All smart phones have apps that will record your steps for the day, keep it counting. Walk while you talk. Walk to finish quick errands that are close to home. Take the stairs. Leave no opportunity to stay up and walking.

Sleep well:
Make sure whatever hours you sleep, you sleep well. Soak your feet for five minutes in hot water with epsom salt and lavender oil if you are sleeping late or have trouble sleeping. A quick foot massage with olive oil and putting on a pair of cotton socks will help you sleep well.