
Paloma about town: Getting into unlock mode and a virtual fashion show

Paloma Rao

The transition begins, as we go from lockdown to unlock mode, slowly stepping into some semblance of normalcy. Of course, most of the conversations end up in fierce debates as to whether we need to get back to work or continue to stay in. Let’s not go down that rabbit hole. Salons continue to be part of our WhatsApp chats as all our regular ‘parlours’ assure us that safety measures are in place. A quick chat with one of my favourite hairstylists Aruna Rai, had her sending me photos and even a video of her in protective gear as she worked on clients.

Salon staff in protective gear
<em>Salon staff in protective gear</em>

This week had me stepping out for the first time, to go do some actual work, a voice-over recording. Armed with my mask and sanitiser, I was ready to conquer this new world. 

The first hurdle was trying to get my car started, which required a little bit of cajoling, as it chugged back to life. It was in a dismal state, covered in dust, where it would’ve been hard to tell what it’s original colour was. The second part of my adventure was at the recording studio, where I got to experience the sterilise-as-we-go format live in action. Everything from the headphones to the equipment, all while opening doors with our elbows, and receiving instructions from six feet away.

The highlight of my week though was a rather unique experience, where I got to be part of a virtual fashion show, put together remotely by designer Stephin Lalan. Tune in on June 6th as I go Live on Instagram with the man himself (@indulgexpress).

Karun Raman

My week ended with an Insta Live with Karun Raman celebrating the start of Pride Month, as we spoke about what this means to the LGBT community. It was a slightly more serious chat than the ones we’re used to, but it threw light on the need for awareness and more open conversations. 
