
Check out how TriBeCa Care creates a more caring environment for the elderly population

F Khatoon

Through trained caregivers and care advisors, TriBeCa Care is bringing valuable and much-needed services for the elderly population in the city. From providing medical care to giving them company and most importantly having a robust emergency response infrastructure, TriBeCa Care will make life easy.

Co-CEO, Prateep Sen and Tamojit Dutta of TriBeca Care pacifie our queries through these Q&A.

What is the idea behind TriBeCa Care?

The fundamental idea behind TriBeCa Care is to transform the lives of Senior Citizens and their family members. Our philosophy is to provide affordable services that deliver exemplary care that is monitored by domain experts - whether it be home nursing or senior travel. We bring compassion through trained caregivers and care advisors. We build better monitoring and efficiency protocols through world class technology and logistics.

Our stakeholders are our members, employees and the wider community. We aspire to fundamentally change the way Senior citizens are cared for and how they engage with the world around them.

 How will it help senior citizens?

Ageing is a global challenge – and in India the ageing crisis is even more intense as public services for the elderly are almost non - existent. With a rapidly growing nuclear family setup and more adult children living away from their parents, there is a very real problem in managing older loved ones at home. TriBeCa Care is building deep domain expertise in improving 3 specific areas of elderly living –

a) Improving Care at home

b) Managing senior loneliness

 c) Creating a robust emergency response infrastructure.

By being accepted as a trusted partner, TriBeCa instills a sense of family with the elderly, that in turn provides a sense of security, companionship and peace of mind to seniors and the elderly.

What are the facilities provided by it?

TriBeCa Care is bringing investment and expertise to senior living. TriBeCa operates 3 senior living facilities in Kolkata itself. It provided 7 million hours of home care to 15k elderly citizens in the last 4 years and also runs a geriatric clinic in Kolkata. It is now starting a unique residential care facility for senior citizens struggling with chronic or acute  conditions like dementia/Alzheimer’s, post operative nursing or neurological rehabilitation.

How secure is it?

Security is absolutely critical, as the elderly are often very vulnerable. Dependency increases with age, as does the loss of cognitive functions. TriBeCa has built world class protocols around safety & monitoring, including a 3-stage vetting process of caregivers, followed by technology enabled check-lists that are embedded into the fabric of the organization. We believe that oversight and forward planning are essential to reducing care risks and improved service delivery.