
Buy a horse some oats for breakfast, The Sanctuary ECR in Chennai 'neighs' your help!

Sonali Shenoy

The Sanctuary ECR located in Chennai provides a home to old, retired, abused and abandoned horses. But with the lockdown bringing an economic crisis, feeding and upkeep is getting more difficult by the day.

Pooja Chordia whose family set up this initiative many years ago recently started a fundraiser campaign on - reaching out to well wishers and animal lovers to contribute during these tough times. "No amount is too little," she said in her campaign description on

If you're wondering about how much it costs to feed a horse, this should be an indicator. For the eight horses presently residing at this space, this is what is required:

A bag of oats: INR1,800 (20 bags a month required) 

A bag of bran: INR 850  (15 bags a month required)

A bundle of Arugampul grass: INR 300 (30 bundles a month required)

Follow @thesanctuaryecr to help out.

Photo by Fabian Burghardt on Unsplash