
Paloma at home: What everyone is upto in lockdown 4.0 

Paloma Rao

Just when we thought we were in the home stretch last week, we got to say hello to Lockdown 4.0. Thoughts of parlours went up in smoke as we settled down for another two weeks of stay-at-home goodness. While everyone seems to be competing in the productivity department, there’s another set of people that are proclaiming the benefits of taking it easy and doing nothing at all.

Sidney Sladen
<em>Sidney Sladen</em>

I managed to accomplish a lot in the virtual world — from the Pillow challenge to the Don’t Rush challenge, to even making a TikTok video of my cat, Meowy. This week’s Insta Live sessions included conversations with designer Sidney Sladen and fitness instructor Jen Thomas, the former talking about the ‘then and now’ aspects of fashion and the latter on eating healthy and staying motivated. There was also a fun change of scene where I got to be the one being interviewed by WSquare, on conversations about body positivity and mental health, both major topics during this lockdown.

So let’s take a look at a few of the common themes of recent conversations. 

Myth Busting: While there is a load of useful info readily available, there’s just as much wrong information floating about. People are indulging in all sorts of ‘treatments’ to boost their immunities and stay healthy. Thankfully a few experts have come forward to point out what works, what doesn’t, and why.

Paloma sporting the pillow trend

The future of fashion: Probably the most talked about topic on Insta Live, by everyone from top magazine editors to famous designers, is the post-Covid fashion industry. While I doubt that people will stop buying clothes, there will definitely be a focus on mindfulness and sustainability.

Fitness: Who would’ve thought that we would end up looking better at the end of this lockdown, than we did at the beginning. With our social media being bombarded with images of healthy food, if not anything else it’s the guilt that has managed to keep us on track. Plus most conversations include the ‘you have no excuses’ line, which we remind ourselves of, over and over. 
