
Paloma about town: Beach weekends, birthday reels and a new home decor destination

Paloma Rao

It’s that usual time of the year where everyone’s asking for a do-over, with memes like “Can we pretend that 2020 starts from Feb?”. Jan was a blink-and-you-miss-it scenario, so I don’t blame them. With multiple cancellations and ‘indefinite’ postponements last month, let’s hope that things will be a bit more bustling this month.

VJ Ezhilarasi at Armonia
<em>VJ Ezhilarasi at Armonia</em>

One of the few events that took place recently was the launch of ‘Armonia’, a home décor store by Woodpecker. With everyone spending so much more time at home these days, it’s no surprise that interior décor has really been pushed to the forefront. Whether its DIY videos or styling tips and tricks, everyone is looking for those pick-me-ups for their home spaces. The launch saw quite a few faces from television, all happy to be ‘out’ and catching up. Once the formalities were done, guests took their time looking around the three-storey space. The influencers, of course, set to work and made good use of all the beautiful visuals, like the life-sized statues and seriously lounge-worthy sofas. Those that missed it, caught all the action on Instagram.

Paloma, Manchal, Shilpa & Aru out at the beach

Sunday saw everyone rushing off down the coast with the rules being ever so slightly relaxed. Beachside hotspots like Bayroot, Asvah 24, Bay 6 and Surf Turf were the popular favourites. What that also meant is everyone gave ‘Wordle’ a break and put their ‘reel’ making skills to good use instead. Speaking of which, my week also included a Quick Comedy reel on Instagram in the lead-up to my birthday, titled Types of Birthday Girls, so check it out and tell me what you guys think. Also, don’t forget to tell me what kind of birthday girl or boy you are. Over the top? Low-key? Or just altogether in denial? As for my birthday plans, I will most likely be the ‘chill scene’ birthday girl. So on that note, have a great weekend and I’ll catch you next week with (hopefully) lots to report.